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Your search for "*" yielded 123235 hits

The Political Ecology of Campania Waste Conflicts: geographies of contamination and grassroots movements’ remaking of socionatures

Research Student: Salvatore Paolo De RosaDuration: 2012 – 2016Supervisor: Guy BaetenAssistant supervisor: Marco Armiero (KTL Environmental Humanities Lab of Stockholm); Erik Swyngedouw (University of Manchester) The image of huge piles of trash engulfing the spaces of social life in the Southern Italian region of Campania, and in its capital city Napoli, hit the headlines of global news several ti - 2025-03-15

Assessing the potential socio-economic opportunities and challenges of Bio-char adoption on small-holder farming systems

Research project in Development Geography Project's title: Assessing the potential socio-economic opportunities and challenges of Bio-char adoption on small-holder farming systemsProject's duration: 2013-2019Contact person: Yahia MahmoudResearchers on the project:Yahia MahmoudCecilia Sundberg (SLU)Kristina Roing de Nowina (IITA)OverviewBio-char has recently received attention in scientific and pop - 2025-03-15

Socio-spatial transformations in the area of Korup National Park in Cameroon

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Socio-spatial transformations in the area of Korup National Park in CameroonContact person: Yahia MahmoudOverviewThe purpose of this project is to assess the dependence of local people on ecosystem services obtained from tropical forests, and the sustainability of different kinds of resource extraction. The project uses a multidisciplinary appro - 2025-03-15

CRUSH: Critical Urban Sustainability Hub

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: CRUSH: Critical Urban Sustainability HubProject's duration: 2014-2018Contact person: Guy BaetenResearchers in the project:Henrik Gutzon LarsenAnders Lund HansenProject's websiteOverviewCRUSH brings together the five largest research environments for urban and housing research in Sweden and is a research platform that engages critically with urba - 2025-03-15

SEFIRA: Socio-economic implications for individual responses to air pollution policies in EU +27

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: SEFIRA: Socio-economic implications for individual responses to air pollution policies in EU +27Project's duration: 2013-2016Contact person: Guy BaetenOverviewSefira has the objective of creating a European coordination of transdisciplinary scientific and socio-economic resources in order to support the review and implementation of air quality l - 2025-03-15

ENTITLE: European Network for Political Ecology

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: ENTITLE: European Network for Political EcologyProject's duration: 2012-2017Contact person: Guy BaetenResearchers in the project:Guy BaetenEric ClarkAnders Lund HansenSalvatore Paolo De RosaOverviewENTITLE is an EU-funded Initial Training Network under the Marie Curie action of FP7. It is coordinated by ICTA at the Autonomous University of Barce - 2025-03-15

Sustainable Management of Water Resources under Climate Change to Alleviate Poverty in the Lake Chad Basin

Research project in Development Geography Project's title: Sustainable Management of Water Resources under Climate Change to Alleviate Poverty in the Lake Chad BasinProject's duration: 2013-01-01 - 2015-12-31Contact person: Cintia Bertacchi UvoResearchers on the project:Cintia Bertacchi Uvo Erik NilssonJan HöjbyPer BeckerMaria Andrea NardiOverviewFinanced by: SIDA-SAREC Department of Water Resourc - 2025-03-15

What is driving unsustainable bushmeat hunting in Cross River State, Nigeria? Urban market or local peoples’ livelihoods?

Research project in Development Geography Project's title: What is driving unsustainable bushmeat hunting in Cross River State, Nigeria? Urban market or local peoples’ livelihoods?Project's duration: 2012-2014Contact person: Ola Olsson, Department of BiologyResearchers on the project:Ola HallYahia MahmoudAndrea NardiOverviewThe purpose of this project is to assess the dependence of local people on - 2025-03-15

African Urban Agriculture

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: African urban agriculture: social, economic and environmental challenges and prospects under changing global and demographic realitiesPeriod: 2013-2019Contact person: Magnus JirströmProject participants: Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, LU/Human Geography; Hayford Ayerakwa LU/Human Geography and University of Ghana, Samuel Omondi LU/Human Geography an - 2025-03-15

BIDS/ICLD WORKSHOP: Sign-up form for Year 3 BIDS

(This form is closed now. If you missed the deadline for signing up, please send an email to bids [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se)Dear students, It is our pleasure to inform you that on November 17, the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy and the participants of the International Training Programme are visiting BIDS for the first time. Please check the Programme in the correspondent Worksh - 2025-03-15

BIDS/ICLD WORKSHOP: Sign-up form for Year 1 and Year 2 BIDS

Dear students, It is our pleasure to inform you that on November 17, the Swedish International Centre for Local Democracy and the participants of the International Training Programme are visiting BIDS for the first time. Please check the Programme in the correspondent Workshop folder in l@l.We believe this is a great opportunity for you to meet and discuss real projects with local practitioners. T - 2025-03-15


Research project in Human Geography and Human Ecolgy Project's title: Lund University Centre of Excellence for the Integration of Social and Natural Dimensions of Sustainability Project's duration: 2009-2018Contact person: Eric Clark and Alf HornborgResearchers in the project:Eric ClarkAlf Hornborg Pernille Gooch (substitute for Alf Hornborg)Yahia Mahmoud (substitute for Eric Clark)Wim CartonGrego - 2025-03-15


Research project in Human Geography Project's title: URB @ Exp - Towards new forms of urban governance and city development: learning from URBan Experiments with Living Labs & City Labs Project's duration: 2014-2017Contact person: Eric ClarkResearchers in the project:Eric ClarkIlia FarahaniOverviewEuropean cities face economic, social and environmental challenges of growing complexity. In response - 2025-03-15

Sustainable Welfare

Research project in Human Geography Project's title: Towards new forms of urban governance and city development: learning from URBan Experiments with Living Labs & City Labs Project's duration: 2013-2014Contact person: Eric ClarkResearchers in the project:Eric ClarkOverviewSustainable Welfare is a Pufendorf Theme at Lund University, led by Max Koch (Department of Social Work) and involving a dozen - 2025-03-15

Technology shifts, structural change and long-term regional growth and decline

Research project in Economic Geography Project's title: Technology shifts, structural change and long-term regional growth and declineProject's duration: 2000-Contact person: Karl-Johan Lundquist, Martin Henning, Mikhail Martynovich, Lars Olof OlanderOverviewStrongly inspired by the neo-Schumpeterian tradition in economics/economic history and the evolutionary turn in economic geography, this rese - 2025-03-15

Driving forces and barriers for different forms of integration processes in cross-border regions

Research project in Economic Geography Project's title: Driving forces and barriers for different forms of integration processes in cross-border regionsProject's duration: 2010-Contact person: Karl-Johan LundquistTeis HansenOla Jonsson Martin Henning - 2025-03-15

Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport

Research project in Economic Geography Project's title: Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transportProject's duration: 2013-2014Contact person: Teis HansenOverviewFinanced by The Norwegian Research Council. - 2025-03-15

The challenge of globalization: Technology driven foreign direct investment (TFDI) and its implications for the negotiation of international (bi- and multilateral) investment agreements

Research project in Economic Geography Project's title: The challenge of globalization: Technology driven foreign direct investment (TFDI) and its implications for the negotiation of international (bi- and multilateral) investment agreementsProject's duration: 2011-2014Contact person: Teis HansenOverviewFinanced by Stiftelsen Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. - 2025-03-15